quences of a divorce would be worse than making the best of the situation. as it is, a solution which she accepts. He had given this advice in spite of the fact that it was the husband who had betrayed him to the company. Of course he loses his job, but there are others. The boy, John, seeing the complications arising from his relation to Leonard, leaves him so that he is just about where he was in the first place. His affair with the boy had been illassorted from the beginning. Of course Leonard is disturbed emotion-
ally, but the loss of his two male friends was not catastrophic. It would seem that if he had used more tact and care in his judgments and not talked so much, the solutions of his problems need not have been even as severe as they were. The book is unique in its realism and omission of those highly emotional climaxes deemed necessary by many novelists when dealing with homosexuality in order to prove their own disinvolvement and hold the interest of the reader. T. M. M.
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